
KC Streetcar Vehicle #806

Project Description

This piece began as a reflection on some of my own relationships in which there’s both a lot of love and a lot of tension; from there it expanded into a visual meditation on the ways we coexist in community with others despite our conflicts. We stretch to accommodate each other, we influence each other, we step on each other’s toes. There are moments of great grace and compassion, and there are inevitable moments of friction. Eventually, we all have to figure out how to make space and bear with each other, to live with our differences and find common ground. Fluid movement and overlapping colors in the design emphasize harmonious relationships, while rigid forms invite viewers to consider how to engage with the people in their own communities who are adversarial, needy, or marginalized. Overall I hope the piece serves as a reminder that communities can only thrive when everyone gives personal consideration for the needs of others.


Julia Morris is a multidisciplinary illustrator and designer based in Kansas City, Missouri. Her work ranges from digital illustration to hand-painted murals to printmaking, but through it all runs a common thread of movement, elegance, and vibrancy. Julia grew up in Washington, DC, and earned her BFA in illustration at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Website | juliammorris.com

Instagram | @julia.m.morris