Zee Underscore

Wednesday, September 13
7:00pm at the City Market

Project Description
On the outside, you see just one body, one face, one smile, one Zee. On the inside though… well on the inside, you could not even begin to imagine all the things that allow her to move around in the unique exciting way she does. The truth is, she wasn’t always so self-aware. She wasn’t always so outspoken. She wasn’t always so bold. She wasn’t always Zee Underscore… One brave move to the middle of the country all alone, to pursue what she then thought were her ‘dreams and aspirations,’ sparked the match that ignited a massive fire Zee never even knew was inside of her. Music! Creating, listening to, studying, appreciating music as a universal language became her fulfillment in this earthly realm. Once she found herself, she understood her power. Once she understood her power, she realized she was chosen for greatness, and music was the means of sharing her presence with the world!
In this performance, Zee Underscore will use music to take you on a journey representing her realization of self love, self awareness, and superstardom. When you realize your best self, you want to celebrate that every chance you get- so get ready to experience the ultimate celebration of self, through the eyes and ears of Zee Underscore. 

BioZee Underscore
Zahra- a beautiful flower sprouted in Cincinnati Ohio has blossomed into the Zee Underscore. She embodies dreaming it all, doing it all, knowing no limits, and spreading her light across as many spaces as possible: singer, electrical engineer, event coordinator, entrepreneur- no limits! Accompanied by the wonderful band Cease & Desist, Zee aspires to inspire with her sound and one of a kind energy.

FaceBook | https://www.facebook.com/ZeeUnderscore1?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Instagram| https://instagram.com/z_bee1?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ==